Generations Gaps- Issues and Challenges
Journal Title: Saudi Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences - Year 2016, Vol 1, Issue 3
Abstract: Bridging the generation gap between parent and children is essential. Parents often contribute their share in digging gap between parents and children by pushing the kid's beyond their limits. This happens in two ways. Parents either demands higher than the limits of the child or pushes the child beyond the economical or social limits of parents themselves. This, in future, makes the child going astray from the lifestyle and status of parents. The present paper is an attempt to find out the reasons of Generation Gap. It has been observed that as the parents fussy with the behavior of the children, arguments convert into disputes and there is a high degree of disagreement between how adult children and their parents view their relationship. There are a number of other factors that affect the generations; the strongest and most consistent predictors are sex, age, child’s marital status, and residential proximity. Keywords: generation gap, parents, children
Authors and Affiliations
Pawan Kumar Dhiman, Seema Jain
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