Generic Cypermethrin Effect on Behavioural Responses of Wistar Hannover Rats in Pre- and Postnatal Development


The offspring’s Wistar Hannover rats behavior during in pre- and postnatal period threated by different doses (0; 17,5; 35; 70 mg/kg bw) of сypemethrin were investigated. Obtained data presents the differences in behavior reactions of males andfemales pups. The male pups were more sensitive to the test-substance. Treatment by сypemethrin at the dose of 70 mg/kg bw in the pre- and postnatal period influenced on the behavioral responses of male rats in the "open field", which is manifested by an increase of latency to the first step and decrease of horizontal activity during all periods of the study. Treatment by сypermethrin in low doses in the pre- and postnatal period didn’t induce any changes in the behavior of male and female pups.

Authors and Affiliations

I. O. Rashkivska, M. G. Prodanchuk, N. О. Kornuta, M. L. Zinovieva


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How To Cite

I. O. Rashkivska, M. G. Prodanchuk, N. О. Kornuta, M. L. Zinovieva (2017). Generic Cypermethrin Effect on Behavioural Responses of Wistar Hannover Rats in Pre- and Postnatal Development. Український журнал сучасних проблем токсикології, 80(4), 12-17.