Genesis, Current State and Trends of the Traditional Medicine Legal Regulation in Ukraine and Abroad: Introduction to the Problem (Генеза, стан і тенденції розвитку правового регулювання народної медицини в Україні та світі: вступ до проблеми)

Journal Title: Медичне право - Year 2016, Vol 1, Issue 2


The formation of Ukranian tradinional medicine is based on studiens of materials of literature sources of Ukrainian and Russian authors. Traditional medicine has a long history and represents the general conclusion of the achieved knowledge, skills and practice, which are based on the theories, beliefs and experience of the indigeneous people and representatives of different cultures. The attention is focused on the periodization of studied problem, a conclusion is made on the basis of which that Ukrainian traditional medicine is as old as the population inhabited territory of our country. Andits birth dates back to prehistoric times and cfve under the influence of self-instinctive ways of people. The usage patterns of law regulationare of traditional medicine in some countries are briefly analyzed. Further improvement of the traditional medicine”s legal regulation in Ukraine is argumented.

Authors and Affiliations

Yaroslav Radysh, Viacheslav Yevtushenko


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How To Cite

Yaroslav Radysh, Viacheslav Yevtushenko (2016). Genesis, Current State and Trends of the Traditional Medicine Legal Regulation in Ukraine and Abroad: Introduction to the Problem (Генеза, стан і тенденції розвитку правового регулювання народної медицини в Україні та світі: вступ до проблеми). Медичне право, 1(2), 63-73.