Genetic diversity of spring common wheat varieties at storage protein loci


Aim. The aim of this study was to investigate genetic diversity of storage protein loci in spring common wheat varieties licensed for growing in Ukraine in 2017 year. Methods. SDS and APAG electrophoresis were used to identify genotypes at the gliadin loci Gli-1 and the high-molecular-weight glutenin subunit loci Glu-1. Results. Genotypes at the gliadin loci Gli A1, Gli B1, Gli D1 and glutenin loci Glu A1, Glu B1, Glu D1 were identified in 31 spring common wheat. The wheat-rye translocation AL/1RS was identified in two varieties Etyud and Struna mironivsyka. Differences in frequencies of alleles at storage protein loci were revealed. Conclusions. The high level of allelic variation was observed at the Gli-1 loci in spring common wheat varieties. Predominant alleles (one or two per locus) were revealed: Gli A1f, Gli A1а, Gli B1e, Gli D1b, Gli D1і, Gli D1f , Glu А1а, Glu Bс , Glu D1d, Glu D1a. Keywords: Triticum aestivum L., spring wheat, storage protein.

Authors and Affiliations

Т. О. Собко, Л. В. Сірант, Г. М. Лісова


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How To Cite

Т. О. Собко, Л. В. Сірант, Г. М. Лісова (2018). Genetic diversity of spring common wheat varieties at storage protein loci. Фактори експериментальної еволюції організмів, 23(), 334-339.