Genetic transformation of bread wheat using vector constructs containing the genes of proline metabolism


Aim. To perform Agrobacterium-mediated transformation in planta of plants of the bread wheat variety Zymoyarka using the strain AGLO with vector constructs containing the genes of proline metabolism: pBi2E containing the double stranded RNA suppressor of proline dehydrogenase  developed on the basis of Arabidopsis ProDH1 gene (ds-RNA suppressor of ProDH1) and pBi-OAT containing the gene of ornithine aminotransferase of Medicago truncatula. Methods. Agrobacterium-mediated genes transfer in planta was carried out during wheat pollination. The presence of transgenes within the genome of transformed plants was determined by PCR analysis of DNA isolated from the leaves of plants of T1 generation. Results. The frequency of transformation with the full insertion of the genetic construct was 1.53% using the vector construct pBi2E and 5.43% using a vector construct pBi-OAT. Conclusions. It is experimentally proved the possibility of genetic transformation of wheat with the strain AGLO, containing the plasmid pBi2E with double-stranded RNA suppressor of proline degidrogenase gene and the plasmid pBi-OAT containing the gene of ornithine aminotransferase by Agrobacterium-mediated transformation in planta.Keywords: Agrobacterium-mediated transformation, Triticum aestivum, genes of proline metabolism.

Authors and Affiliations

S. S. Voronova, A. M. Goncharuk, A. V. Bavol, O. V. Dubrovnaya


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How To Cite

S. S. Voronova, A. M. Goncharuk, A. V. Bavol, O. V. Dubrovnaya (2015). Genetic transformation of bread wheat using vector constructs containing the genes of proline metabolism. Вісник Українського товариства генетиків і селекціонерів, 13(1), 28-33.