Генезис наукових досліджень, присвячених оперативно-розшуковій протидії шахрайствам через мережу Інтернет
Journal Title: Вісник Луганського державного університету внутрішніх справ імені Е.О. Дідоренка - Year 2017, Vol 80, Issue 4
У статті зроблено спробу здійснити генезис наукових досліджень, присвячених питанню оперативно-розшукової протидії шахрайствам через мережу Інтернет. Для вирішення поставленої мети проаналізовано фахову юридичну літературу, а розгляд питань, пов’язаних з протидією різного виду шахрайствам проведено способом виокремлення наукових праць залежно від рівня наукового дослідження. Аналізуючи окремі положення наведених праць, виконаних у галузі оперативно-розшукової діяльності, констатовано, що досліджуване питання розкрито лише фрагментарно та здебільшого при розгляді інших видів шахрайств. Це своєю чергою приводить до того, що лише незначна частина питань з обраної тематики на сьогодні є достатньою дослідженою. Водночас на сьогодні відсутні комплексі монографічні дослідження з питання оперативно-розшукової протидії шахрайствам через мережу Інтернет. An attempt has been made to investigate the genesis of scientific research on the issue of operational-search counteraction to fraud through the Internet. To solve the goal, the author analyzes specialized legal literature, and the consideration of issues related to counteraction to various types of fraud is carried out through a section of scientific work, depending on the level of scientific research: at the level of doctoral dissertation research; at the level of candidate research in the field of operational and investigative activities; At the level of articles, scientific reports and conference theses have been studied. However, analyzing the work concluded that, firstly, the listed scientific works are mostly performed at the level of fragmentary research, since they did not determine the organizational and tactical features of counteraction to specific types of crime, in particular fraud, which are committed through the Internet, and mostly investigated the problems of counteraction to economic crime that uses computer technology. At the same time, taking into account the results of the study of empirical material, there was an urgent need for scientific research with the further development of theoretical and applied principles for improving counteraction to fraud through the Internet through designated units, in particular in the following areas: operational-search characteristics of fraudsters committed through the Internet; legal regulation of operational-search counteraction to fraud committed through the Internet; ways to increase the effectiveness of information and analytical support for operative-search counteraction to fraud, which are committed through the Internet; promising directions for improving the internal interaction of operational units of the National Police of Ukraine during the operational search and counteraction to fraud committed through the Internet; external interaction of operational units of the National Police of Ukraine during operational search and counteraction to fraud committed through the Internet; tactical peculiarities of conducting operative-search counteraction to fraud, which are carried out through the Internet; Peculiarities of the tactics of conducting investigatory (search) and secret investigators (investigatory) operations of the operational units of the National Police of Ukraine during pre-trial investigation of fraud committed through the Internet. In the conclusion to the article it was stated that the issue under investigation is disclosed only in a fragmentary way and mostly in the consideration of other types of fraud. This, in turn, leads to the fact that only a small part of the issues on the selected topics are sufficiently researched today. At the same time, today there are no monographic researches on the issue of operative-search counteraction to fraud through the Internet.
Authors and Affiliations
О. І. Кривенко
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