Genotypic correlation and path coefficient analysis for yield and yield contributing traits in released varieties of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) under partially reclaimed saline sodic soil
Journal Title: Journal of Applied and Natural Science - Year 2017, Vol 9, Issue 1
This research sought to determine the correlations between grain yield and its contributing traits and to measure the direct and indirect effects on grain yield in barley. Sixty four released varieties were grown under par-tially reclaimed saline- sodic soil, under irrigated conditions during rabi 2010-11. The grain yield per plant showed highly significant and positive correlation with 1000 grain weight (0.517), plant height (0.460), length of main spike (0.459), fertile tillers per plant (0.385), and grains per main spike (0.366). On the basis of relationship of grain yield with yield contributing traits, we can select the best genotype and can be utilised in breeding program.
Authors and Affiliations
Arun Kumar, Jaydev Kumar, Baudh Bharti, P. N. Verma, J. P. Jaiswal, G. P. Singh, S. R. Vishwakarma
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