Geoekonomia strefy euro
Journal Title: Studia Prawno-Ekonomiczne - Year 2016, Vol 0, Issue
The aim of this paper is to present geo-economic competition between Eurozone member states. Geo-economics describes the process of shifting the main sphere of competition between countries from the military sphere to the economic one which in turn leads to the subordination of the economic policies to the strategic goals in the international relations. The paper describes the concept and meaning of geo-economics, and currency regimes as an arena of geo-economic rivalry. The research focuses on the institutional architecture of the Eurozone which reflects the asymmetry of power between member states and the systemic crisis in the Eurozone as the culmination of geo-economic rivalry. The paper describes three main causes of the Eurozone crisis: the transfer of the financial crisis from the USA, fiscal profligacy and public debt of certain states, as well as the architecture and mechanisms of the Economic and Monetary Union (EMU). It was shown that Germany turned out to be the biggest winner of the geo-economic competition in Europe.
Authors and Affiliations
Rafał Szymanowski
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