From the point of view of trans-border co-operations, the inventory of the regional socio- economic relationships is indispensable for an exhaustive empirical study. Through this study we only begin to understand the dem...
Since early 1989, the small settlements of Nehoiu and Pogoanele, located in the south-eastern part of Buzău County and declared towns in the same year, entered a new stage of evolution. After a long period of evolution u...
Due to the advantages offered by agglomerations, human activities have always concentrated, and cities have become multifunctional places: living places, places where goods and services are produced, culture and socialis...
Demographic Tendencies in the Cross-Border Region of Satu Mare (Romania) and Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg (Hungary) Counties
From the point of view of trans-border co-operations, the inventory of the regional socio- economic relationships is indispensable for an exhaustive empirical study. Through this study we only begin to understand the dem...
Oana-Ramona Ilovan - Ţara Năsăudului. Studiu de Geografie Regională [The Land of Năsăud. Study of Regional Geography]
The Effect of Economic and Social Restructuring on the Towns of Nehoiu and Pogoanele
Since early 1989, the small settlements of Nehoiu and Pogoanele, located in the south-eastern part of Buzău County and declared towns in the same year, entered a new stage of evolution. After a long period of evolution u...
CONŢIU, HADRIAN-V. - Bazele geografice ale fenomenului turistic [The Geographical Bases of the Tourism Phenomenon], Presa Universitară Clujeană, Cluj-Napoca, 2012, 382 p.
Urban Attractiveness. Why Put People’s Money into Cycling Facilities?
Due to the advantages offered by agglomerations, human activities have always concentrated, and cities have become multifunctional places: living places, places where goods and services are produced, culture and socialis...