Geopark Morasko as a potential tourist product
Journal Title: Studia Periegetica - Year 2015, Vol 13, Issue 1
In recent years we have observed an increase in geoparks launching activities, which aim to protect and promote nature and cultural heritage of an international significance. One of the newest initiatives in this matter is the project of the Morasko Geopark in the Northern Poznań agglomeration. The goal of the proposed geopark aims to protect a meteorite impact area at Morasko Hill, together with its postglacial history, including human activity of this area in the Holocene epoch. The idea of a potential Morasko Geopark should consider a sustainable socio-economic development of this region and promote both the natural and cultural heritage of the site. The aim of this study is to assess the potential of the tourism product from the development of the Morasko Geopark, which might become a flagship initiative for the city of Poznań. A unique character of the Morasko area should be recognized internationally, which might further help bond the future Morasko Geopark with the Global Geoparks Network supported by UNESCO.
Authors and Affiliations
Mateusz Rogowski
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