Gestão de dados de pesquisa: um panorama da atuação da União Europeia
Journal Title: BIBLOS: Revista do Instituto de Ciencias Humanas & da Informacao - Year 2017, Vol 31, Issue 1
If, in the past decade, the discussions that began by 1970 still occupied the academic space on which the position that the scientific community would follow in relation to the dissemination of ways and means of production, another element appears to grow the debate: the need of sharing research data. Now, more and more research data have a significant role in the global scientific scene. The purpose of this study is to realize a mapping of the main actors involved in the establishment of national policies of archiving and open access from the countries member of European Union (EU) for research data, because Brazil has been basing in these standards and guidelines. It was accessed the link of each country, available on the "Overview of Open Access in the EU member states", making a systematic review of the existence and amount of research data repository and describe how it works. As a result, the article presents a systematic overview of the current research data management and existing repositories and an overview of the policies implemented and developed in the EU.
Authors and Affiliations
Márcia Teixeira Cavalcanti | IBICT/UFRJ , Luana Farias Sales| IBICT/UFRJ
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