Global conditions of the functioning and development of enterprises  

Journal Title: Zarządzanie i Finanse - Year 2013, Vol 11, Issue 1


The companies are the primary entity in the market. That is why they are so important in shaping the conditions for the functioning of companies. Therefore, the objective of this paper is to present the global determinants of functioning and development of private enterprises. The paper analyzed and classified management conditions that have an impact on the proper functioning and development of enterprises. Additionally, characterized key elements, such as management efficiency and competitiveness, having a direct bearing on the reasonableness of a particular activity. It also drew attention to the current bar-riers to the development of enterprises. The article in its entirety gives a picture of the most important elements that influence and determine the activity of en-terprises.  

Authors and Affiliations

Ireneusz Miciuła


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How To Cite

Ireneusz Miciuła (2013). Global conditions of the functioning and development of enterprises  . Zarządzanie i Finanse, 11(1), 173-187.