Globalizacja a lokalizm w perspektywie medialnej

Journal Title: Naukowy Przegląd Dziennikarski - Year 2013, Vol 1, Issue 4


Local Media - a media that can be extracted from the national media system by reference to two main criteria : the scope of local interest and local impact range . However, it seems that today a feature of local communication , which ceased to have meaning , it is a territorial limitation . If one local communication is carried out using any online tool , it can be concluded that it is both local and global . While the content of the message can be associated with some ( specific ) place in the space of his only concern , so much access to this communication is usually unlimited - enables it not enough that his knowledge , it is still the reaction of the recipient. It seems that this globality of the local media is an opportunity for local communities to promote original local content. As research shows , the number of users and range of services with the information strictly local and regional continues to grow - in early 2006, these services were 5 million users in September 2011, while the number of users was close to 12 million . Significantly increased the scope of these services among Internet users - from 41 to 62%. It seems that local portals are an interesting example of changes in the media ecosystem. Changes taking place in villages and towns under the influence of virtual reality show as the development of network communication focuses on the question of the mechanisms of the newly public sphere. This question seems particularly important in times of crisis, traditional media , which has been an important tool for social debate and control.

Authors and Affiliations

Magdalena Rózycka


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How To Cite

Magdalena Rózycka (2013). Globalizacja a lokalizm w perspektywie medialnej. Naukowy Przegląd Dziennikarski, 1(4), 6-23.