Globalization based on Social Responsibility – dynamic change of Business Condition in Contemoporary Economy
Journal Title: International Journal of Contemporary Management - Year 2011, Vol 10, Issue 1
The article discusses the idea of globalization and its impact on entrepreneurs. Globalization is a threat and opportunity at once. It causes integration of various companies in all over the world, from many branches. One of the most important cooperation is an idea of solving a common problem by social entrepreneurs and for-profit organization, by creating hybrid value chain. It seems to be crucial trend in strategic activities. The nonprofit sector are seen as a growing source of solution to issues that currently plague society, such as health prob-lems, education, lack of water, need of environmental protection, huge number of homeless. There is a similarity between profit and nonprofit entrepreneurship- action orientation and the need of profitability. Additionally, globalization based on social responsibility is not only a Customer Social Responsibility ( CSR) program linked with Public Relation (PR) projects, but an idea that creates profits needed by all members of hybrid value chain- by all member of society.
Authors and Affiliations
Ryszard Borowiecki, Anna Balcerek-Wieszala
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