Democratic electoral law is the essence of representative democracy. In December 2017
and January 2018, the Sejm and Senate have passed hugely controversial law amending inter alia Polish Electoral Code. Its adoption was...
Many important changes in the Polish electoral code were introduced by the Act of law
passed on the 11th January 2018. Author analyses and evaluates these of them which concern the status and functioning of the electoral...
Australia holds a particular place in the world history of a compulsory voting. It is of one
of the first countries which has decided for the implementation of the mentioned idea. The results
of this decision have turned...
The principle of democracy derived from the principle of sovereignty (supremacy) of the nation
is the guiding principle constitutional system in the Republic of Austria. Nevertheless, the Constitution of the Republic of...
The aim of the article is to present the genesis and evolution of the institution of the poll watcher in the Polish electoral law of the interwar period. Its creation resulted from the fact that in the electoral commissi...
EP ID EP190490
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How To Cite
Anna Rakowska (2016). Glosa do wyroku Trybunału Konstytucyjnego z 6 kwietnia 2016 r.
w sprawie sygn. akt P 5/14. Studia Wyborcze, 0(),
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Zasada demokratycznego państwa prawnego a zmiany w prawie wyborczym
Democratic electoral law is the essence of representative democracy. In December 2017 and January 2018, the Sejm and Senate have passed hugely controversial law amending inter alia Polish Electoral Code. Its adoption was...
Zmiany w systemie polskiej administracji wyborczej / Changes in the system of Polish electoral administration
Many important changes in the Polish electoral code were introduced by the Act of law passed on the 11th January 2018. Author analyses and evaluates these of them which concern the status and functioning of the electoral...
Przymus wyborczy w Australii
Australia holds a particular place in the world history of a compulsory voting. It is of one of the first countries which has decided for the implementation of the mentioned idea. The results of this decision have turned...
Instytucja referendum konsultacyjnego jako instrument demokracji bezpośredniej w Republice Austrii / The institution of a consultative referendum as an instrument of direct democracy in the Republic of Austria
The principle of democracy derived from the principle of sovereignty (supremacy) of the nation is the guiding principle constitutional system in the Republic of Austria. Nevertheless, the Constitution of the Republic of...
Instytucja mężów zaufania w polskim prawie wyborczym w okresie międzywojennym / Institution of the poll watcher in the Polish electoral law in the interwar period
The aim of the article is to present the genesis and evolution of the institution of the poll watcher in the Polish electoral law of the interwar period. Its creation resulted from the fact that in the electoral commissi...