Instytucja mężów zaufania w polskim prawie wyborczym w okresie międzywojennym / Institution of the poll watcher in the Polish electoral law in the interwar period

Journal Title: Studia Wyborcze - Year 2018, Vol 0, Issue


The aim of the article is to present the genesis and evolution of the institution of the poll watcher in the Polish electoral law of the interwar period. Its creation resulted from the fact that in the electoral commissions there were representatives of government and self-government administration along with the judges, while there were no representatives of voters or entities reporting the lists of candidates. The poll watcher represented those who put forward candidates. Their task was to observe the course of voting and counting votes. Their submission was the right of the entity submitting the list of candidates, but it was not an obligation. The regulations regulating their operation were very laconic, which made their work difficult. However, they could always comment on the minutes of the electoral commission regarding the results of voting and elections.

Authors and Affiliations

Krzysztof Skotnicki


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  • EP ID EP387432
  • DOI 10.26485/SW/2018/25/7
  • Views 88
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How To Cite

Krzysztof Skotnicki (2018). Instytucja mężów zaufania w polskim prawie wyborczym w okresie międzywojennym / Institution of the poll watcher in the Polish electoral law in the interwar period. Studia Wyborcze, 0(), 85-93.