Gospodarka wodna sadzonek sosny pospolitej (Pinus sylvestris L.) produkowanej w technologii kontenerowej
Journal Title: Acta Agraria et Silvestria series Silvestris - Year 2015, Vol 0, Issue
During the growing seasons 2014 and 2015 the water balance in crop growth field for Scotch pine, was analyzed. The experiment was conducted at the container nursery in Rudy Raciborskie Forest District, Poland. The water was supplied by natural rainfall and by small-droplet irrigation BCC AB system (Sweden). Two automatic weather stations and 8 rain collectors was used in this research. At the 25 cm above the metal pallets and 10 cm below the nursery containers rain gauges were located. Observations were conducted from May 10 to October 30 (2014 and 2015). The average 1050 mm·m –2 of water fell to production fields, of with 68% came from irrigation system. By using the irrigation system 78.5 thousand liters of water (average) per one are (100 m 2 ) of the season was given. Average sum of evapotranspiration at the container nursery was 525 mm·m –2 in growing season The amount of water percolating through the substrate was approximately 50–55% of the liquid supplied by rainfall and irrigation system together. Unfavorable weather conditions during the growing season (drought, high temperature, vapour pressure deficit) can increase water consumption by up to 25% compared to planned.
Authors and Affiliations
Grzegorz Durło, Krystyna Jagiełło-Leńczuk, Jacek Banach, Mariusz Kormanek, Stanisław Małek, Katarzyna Dudek, Józef Barszcz, Iwona Skowrońska
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