Государственная политика Республики Молдова в отношении политической интеграции инвалидов: проблемы реализации

Journal Title: Moldoscopie - Year 2019, Vol 0, Issue 1


This article analyzes the problems of implementing the state policy of the Republic of Moldova with regard to the political integration of persons with di-sabilities. The author notes that, despite the existence of a sufficient legal framework for the regulatory rights of persons with disabilities, the lack of effective social and political implementation mechanisms gives it a largely formal character. The central government, havingthe most effective resources for solving the problems of people with disabilities, and must create the necessary conditions for their optimal sociopolitical integration. It is necessary to develop and implement new priority directions of state policy in relation to disabled people, which should be based on the principle of equal opportunities, normalization of vital activity and involvement of people with disabilities in socio-political processes.

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How To Cite

(2019). Государственная политика Республики Молдова в отношении политической интеграции инвалидов: проблемы реализации. Moldoscopie, 0(1), 58-70. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-560758