Трансформация брачной эмиграции женщин из России
Journal Title: Moldoscopie - Year 2018, Vol 0, Issue 2
This article is devoted to transformation of the marriage emigration of women from Russia in post-Soviet period. There are two vectors of transformation: a geography of female migration and its reasons. It is established that migration flows of women from the country shifts at present towards Asia (particularly Korea and China). The economic factors of migration are not so important. It connects with the stabilization of the socio-economic situation in the country and implementation of demographic policy measures aimed at supporting families with children and promote fertility. The psychological factors of migration became prevalent. Women usually plan carefully their movement. Therefore, at present the decision to migrate is most likely a conscious choice, rather than adherence to impulsive desires.
Народная дипломатия и представительство в контексте международных религиозно-культурных контактов (на примере православной паломнической традиции у гагаузов)
The article reveals the role of international contacts between the Autono-mous territorial unit of Gagauzia (Republic of Moldova) and Greece, as well as the importance of public diplomacy in matters related to religious-...
Impactul factorului energetic asupra politicii externe a statelor
The purpose of this article is to evaluate the energy factor in the context of elaborating and exercising the foreign policy of the state, addressing state energy security issues. Nowadays, energy is one of the key chara...
Educația incluzivă în Republica Moldova: ana-liza comparată a percepțiilor elevilor tipici și a celor cu cerințe educaționale specifice (CES)
The article analysis the progress of implementation of inclusive education of students with special educational needs (SEN) in mainstream schools of the Republic of Moldova. Based on analysis of legal framework and educa...
Продовольственная безопасность Республи-ки Молдова в период проведения аграрной реформы (1991-2002 гг.): причины кризиса
Acest articol analizează evoluția situației pe piața produselor alimentare din Moldova în cadrul reformelor complexului agroindustrial (1991-2002): tendințele în producția și consumul de alimente, dinamica cererii public...
Dimensiuni heraldice ale simbolurilor naţional-statale ale Republicii Moldova
This publication focuses on the elucidation of the heraldic dimensions of the national-state symbols of the Republic of Moldova. State symbols are the distinctive outer part that allows the distinction of a people or a s...