Granice konkretyzacji estetycznej wyznaczane przez kompozycję: rozważania wstępne


The limits of aesthetic concretization determined by the composition: introductory deliberations The article discusses the concept of the composition of a literary work and the aesthetic concretization as defined from the procedural point of view. The text refers to a specific definition of composition, stemming from Roman Ingarden’s theory of a literary work developed by Andrej Stoff, a literary theorist from Toruń. The main thread of the deliberations refers to the border of concretization that is lined out by the composition of a literary work. The latter, defined as the guarantee of the ontological identity of a literary work, cannot activate the “openness” category. Nevertheless, it turns out that with reference to so-called “border cases”, and the examples of architectural works of art “in progress” this restriction is not fully grounded, thus making the line of concretization difficult, if not impossible, to establish.

Authors and Affiliations

Beata Garlej


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How To Cite

Beata Garlej (2015). Granice konkretyzacji estetycznej wyznaczane przez kompozycję: rozważania wstępne. Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. Studia Poetica, 3(), 23-35.