Cykl o Teosiu Kefirku Małgorzaty Strękowskiej-Zaremby wobec wzorca powieści detektywistycznej


Series about the Adventures of Teoś ?Kefirek Małgorzaty Strękowskiej-Zaremby According to the Patterns of a Detective Novels Małgorzata Strękowska-Zaremba is the author which writes a children’s novels. In her cycle of Teoś Kefirek she was inspired by classic pattern of detective novel, but she was able to modify it. She tries to work out her own style, creates colorful characters and fixes them in the 21st century realities and on the other hand she is capable of using conventional elements of genre and renews them with her own suggestions. She also intertwined the moments of great suspense with situations full of humour on account of young readers.

Authors and Affiliations

Iwona Mityk


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  • EP ID EP530247
  • DOI 10.24917/23534583.6.7
  • Views 52
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How To Cite

Iwona Mityk (2018). Cykl o Teosiu Kefirku Małgorzaty Strękowskiej-Zaremby wobec wzorca powieści detektywistycznej. Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. Studia Poetica, 6(), 74-83.