Granice sprostowania orzeczenia w postępowaniu cywilnym, skutki ich przekroczenia, próba nowego spojrzenia

Journal Title: Radca Prawny. Zeszyty naukowe - Year 2018, Vol 14, Issue 1


The article is based on the assumption that judgment rectification is a necessity in the course of every court’s operations – not excluding the Supreme Court, the ECHR, and the CJEU – because errors and mistakes may appear in any judgment. In principle, errors and mistakes do not mean that a court (judge) has done an inadequate job, although very often they are so perceived. The article presents the broad and complex legal concept of rectification, with the focus on presenting the admissible line of its application in specific cases. In addition, the author analyzes the consequences that follow from rectification that breaches procedural law and goes as far as to include disciplinary proceedings against judges where rectification was grossly misused. The author supports rectifying judgments provided that an error or a mistake is obvious and without rectification the judgment would not appear rational given the circumstances of the case, and where there are no alternatives to the way the wording of the judgment may be rectified.

Authors and Affiliations

Marek Szymanowski


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How To Cite

Marek Szymanowski (2018). Granice sprostowania orzeczenia w postępowaniu cywilnym, skutki ich przekroczenia, próba nowego spojrzenia. Radca Prawny. Zeszyty naukowe, 14(1), 79-100.