Zasada uczciwej konkurencji, poszanowania dobrych obyczajów oraz słusznych interesów innych przedsiębiorców w działalności radców prawnych jako przedsiębiorców
Journal Title: Radca Prawny. Zeszyty naukowe - Year 2019, Vol 20, Issue 3
The article discusses the issue of the execution the principles of fair competition, respect for good practices and legitimate interests of other entrepreneurs in the professional practice of attorneys-at-law classified as entrepreneurs (i.e. performing the profession in the form of: a law firm, companies listed inArticle 8 (1) of the Act of July 6, 1982 on attorneys-at-law and civil law contracts) as provided for in Article 9 of the Act of March 6, 2018 – the law on entrepreneurs. The author indicates, in a brief historical overview, the impact of economic changes in the country and abroad on the form and conduct of legal services, while also discussing such phenomena as: political and economic transformation in the country, the process of globalization and internationalization of legal services, resulting in an ever-growing competition. Also, the changes in the model of the profession of an attorney-at-law towards commercialization and international tendencies aiming at including the legal professions in the common rules of competition (thus withdrawing their recognition of their special role in this respect as services), are of significant importance for these processes. The comprehensive Article 31 of the Code of Ethics for the Attorney-at-law (currently in force – sine 2015) specifies in detail which rules apply to communication between the attorney-at-law and the client. The recommendations of Directive 2006/123/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council have thus been taken into account in order to ensure that, with regard to regulated professions, the content of information constituting an advertisement for the services is consistent with the principles of the profession and its ethical standards. It was necessary to recognize the specific relationship of an attorney-at-law with a client which depends on personal, privileged ties and mutual trust, thus mitigating fierce competition. In the opinion of the author, this role is fulfilled by ethical standards adopted by the highest body of the self-government of attorneys-at-law, i.e. the Regional Congress of Attorneys-at-law.
Authors and Affiliations
Krystyna Stoga
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