Orzecznictwo Sądu Najwyższego

Journal Title: Radca Prawny. Zeszyty naukowe - Year 2018, Vol 15, Issue 2


The Supreme Court has taken a stand on a double perspective presented in case law important to legal practitioners, concerning fees of attorneys of choice in cases where a claim for reinstatement is accompanied by a move for remuneration for a period of being out-of-work. Also of particular significance, the Court once again highlighted the difference between the positions of the Civil Chamber and the Labour Chamber of the Supreme Court regarding the direct application of the Constitution by the courts. Furthermore, from the standpoint of the security of business transactions, the Supreme Court’s holding on the subjective scope of offences against the financial interests of the creditor (Article of 300 of the Criminal Code) is of import.

Authors and Affiliations

Eliza Maniewska


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How To Cite

Eliza Maniewska (2018). Orzecznictwo Sądu Najwyższego. Radca Prawny. Zeszyty naukowe, 15(2), 219-246. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-600953