Współdziałanie organów administracji publicznej na szczeblu krajowym i europejskim w świetle nowelizacji KPA
Journal Title: Radca Prawny. Zeszyty naukowe - Year 2017, Vol 11, Issue 2
The article presents the recent amendment to the Code of Administrative Procedure (CAP) regarding provisions on cooperation between public administration authorities. It analyses and discusses new regulations on administrative cooperation on the national and European levels. The article begins with a short overview of the doctrinal and judicial understanding of cooperation as a form of relations between public administration authorities. It is followed by an analysis of the new provisions on national cooperation between public administration authorities. The amendment explicitly recognizes that all public administration authorities have the duty to cooperate and that such a duty is one of the fundamental principles of the Polish administrative procedure. This is an important novelty since the CAP primarily regulates vertical relations within the public administration system and the procedure for issuing administrative decisions. It is up to administrative practice to fully explore the potential of this principle. It remains to be seen whether it is willingly applied or remains a mere declaration with limited practical significance. Similarly, the actual significance of the provisions on European administrative cooperation for Polish public administration authorities will probably be limited. This is due to the fact that cooperation depends exclusively on relevant provisions of EU law and the CAP serves only as a subsidiary and complimentary piece of legislation. However, the significance of the new provisions on European administrative cooperation should be viewed in the long term as the first normative recognition of the fact that the Polish public administration authorities are involved in international cooperation with foreign public authorities and international, as well as supranational, organizations.
Authors and Affiliations
Mateusz Błachucki
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