Greenhouse Gases - a Brief Review

Journal Title: International Journal of Research and Review - Year 2017, Vol 4, Issue 3


Many investigators have expressed urgent need for pollution control measures which are effective and acceptable. Many harmful gases cause different health problems to human beings. Gases such as carbon dioxide, sulphur dioxide and hydrogen sulphide can be removed from exhaust gases by different methods. Greenhouse gases allow shortwave radiations to pass through the earth’s atmosphere and heat the land and oceans. The long wave radiation emitted from earth surface cannot pass through atmosphere due to these greenhouse gases. This phenomenon leads to greenhouse effect. Vehicular and industrial pollution is main contributor to the greenhouse gases and global warming. Water vapor plays a very important role in energy transport by convection. Combination of solar radioactive heating and the strength of the greenhouse effect determine the surface temperature of a planet.

Authors and Affiliations

Sunil Jayant Kulkarni


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How To Cite

Sunil Jayant Kulkarni (2017). Greenhouse Gases - a Brief Review. International Journal of Research and Review, 4(3), 18-21.