
У статті розглядаються основні проблеми формування та становлення громадянського суспільства в Україні, чинники, які впливають на його утворення, аналізуються фактори, що гальмують цей розвиток сьогодні. Автор доводить, що громадянське суспільство в Україні почало формуватися з початку отримання нею незалежності, а отже є виразником незалежності України. The article analyses the basic problems of forming and developing of civil society in Ukraine, as well as the factors that influence on this formation and the factors that brake this development today. The author of the article proves that civil society in Ukraine was formed at the beginning of country‟s independences. Civil society is a historical type in development of human society, its concrete quality description; it is a sphere of realization of necessities and interests; it shows free individuals through the system of relations (economic, social, religious, national, spiritual, and cultural). The structural elements of this system are organizations (political parties, public associations, associations) and different social units (professional, creative, sporting, confessional and others) that embrace all spheres of public life and are the original regulator of freedom of man. Significant contributions to solving these problems were made by T. Hobbes, J. Locke, N. Machiavelli, Th. More, E. Rotterdam, A. Saint-Simon. The main idea of these two philosophers, T. Hobbes and G. F. F. Hegel, was to recognize the fact that the "correct" and "wise" state should be civil, that is, to be human, not a brutal one. The idea of demarcation between civil society and state emerged at the end of the eighteenth century. In Europe, in the nineteenth century, the idea began to be actively developed by scientists at the theoretical level. The result of this was the evolution of the essence of the concept of "civil society". The traditional application of this term to the designation of a peaceful political system, governed by the law (societas civilas), gave way to its application to designate a separate institutional sphere of life that did not correspond to the institutions of state power existing at the appropriate stage of social development. In the period from 1750 to 1850, this concept became the subject of a scientific research and discussion. Today the theme of civil society is actively examined in different scientific directions: by lawyers, philosophers, sociologists, and political scientists. A problem of civil society always was actual and it remains as such in our time. Thus, all mentioned above let it possible to draw a conclusion that civil society in the countries of Western Europe is on the considerably higher stage of development than in Ukraine. Therefore, the state must carry out the process of its creation by combination of Ukrainian and European experience. At the same time, it is possible to state that civil society of Ukraine expresses the independence of Ukraine because only in the days of independence it got possibilities for the development. Thus, a subject and a base of a democratic state and its ideology is civil society. Therefore, in case of its absence, it can become completely reasonable to characterize it as not fully democratic. A selection and, accordingly, research of a concept "civil society" was founded as early as the epoch of Platoon and Aristotle and resulted in future, in appearance of integral studies about society, state and man. Scientists and thinkers of Renaissance and New time age paid considerable attention to the research of the problems of the scientific world and mutual relations of man with power.

Authors and Affiliations

Bogdan Sliushchinskiy


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Bogdan Sliushchinskiy (2017). ГРОМАДЯНСЬКЕ СУСПІЛЬСТВО ЯК ВИРАЗНИК НЕЗАЛЕЖНОСТІ УКРАЇНИ. Вісник Маріупольського державного університету. Серія: Філософія, культурологія, соціологія, 7(14), 182-189. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-434837