Grounding of the directions for improvement of organizational and economic logistic activities support of a trade enterprise
Journal Title: Економічний аналіз - Year 2018, Vol 28, Issue 3
Introduction. The article deals with theoretical aspects of the problem under study. It identifies the main elements and proposes a system of indicators for assessing the organizational and economic logistics activities support of a trade enterprise. The research presents the sequence of determination of directions and tools for improvement of the organizational and economic logistics activities support of a trade enterprise. Purpose. The article aims to study the methodological principles of problem diagnostics and to determine the directions of improvement of the organizational and economic logistics activities support of a trade enterprise. Method (methodology) The methods of system and structural analysis, method of causative analysis, method synthesis and the relational method have been used in this research. On the basis of these methods the directions of the improvement of the organizational and economic logistics activities support of a trade enterprise are proposed. Results. In the conducted research the problem zones of organizational and economic support according to the main elements have been determined. The grouping of measures and tools for improvement of organizational and economic support of logistic activity while taking into account the criteria of operational efficiency has been done. The degree of coverage of the problem areas has been defined. The positive changes in logistics activities of the trade enterprise have been determined.
Authors and Affiliations
Anastasiya Uvarova
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