Grounds of origin of property right on the objects of fauna: separate theoretical and practical aspects of determination in the sphere of aquiculture

Journal Title: Проблеми законності - Year 2016, Vol 135, Issue 135


Next to economic requirements, there are other necessities of all society and his separate individuals in particular. In practice, an answer for important questions in the indicated sphere depends on determination, when and on what grounds arises up or passes the right of ownership to the objects of fauna in case of its stay in reservoirs given for aquiculture. In author view, it’s necessary to bring in adding to the century of a 1 Law of Ukraine «On aquiculture» which to foresee a concept «local (aborigines) aquatic lives are aquatic lives, which were to the grant and/or are in an aquatic object after the grant of him in the use for the necessities of aquiculture, artificial reproduction or settling of which the subject of aquiculture did not carry out». To p. 2 article 5 Law of Ukraine «On aquiculture» to bring in duty of subject of aquiculture: not to «hinder to realization of the amateur and sporting fishing of citizens on local (aborigines) aquatic lives».

Authors and Affiliations

Володимир Шеховцов


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  • EP ID EP173418
  • DOI 10.21564/2414-990x.135.83929
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How To Cite

Володимир Шеховцов (2016). Grounds of origin of property right on the objects of fauna: separate theoretical and practical aspects of determination in the sphere of aquiculture. Проблеми законності, 135(135), 70-76.