Growth characteristics and energy productivity of poplars and willows under short rotation planting for the first vegetation year


Growth, bioenergy and productivity of poplar and willow clones were evaluated under short rotation planting scheme in watered nursery on the first vegetation year. Differences in growth (base diameter (mm), height (cm), number of branches per plant, biomass weight (g) as well as in energetic parameters (combustion energy (кJ/g), ash and dry matter amount (%) were found. Sample of willow Zhytomyrska-1 has demonstrated the most intensive growth among all analyzed fast growing tree clones. Poplar clones Volosystoplidna, hybrid Canadensis х balsamic, Keliberdynska, Novoberlinska -7 and Ivantiivska were shown significant growth at least by two parameters. Chips combustion energy of different poplar and willow clones exceeded ENplus pellet standards, but ash content in samples of many clones not complied EU pellet standards, that may be explained by the presence a lot of leaves and un-wooden branches which increase ash content, as young stems on the first year were analyzed. Poplar clone Keliberdynska and willow Zhytomyrska-1 demonstrated the highest level of productivity. Since the study was carried out with the using of plants of first vegetation year, obtained energy and productivity levels are underestimated and preliminary. When using cuttings as a planting material for establishing the plantations, watering of soil is the critical factor for viability during the first year.

Authors and Affiliations

Н. К. КУЦОКОНЬ, Д,Б. Рахметов, Л. В. ХУДОЛЄЄВА, С. О. Рахметова, В. В. Фіщенко, О. Г. НЕСТЕРЕНКО, Н. М. РАШИДОВ


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  • EP ID EP304070
  • DOI 10.31861/biosystems2017.02.238
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Н. К. КУЦОКОНЬ, Д, Б. Рахметов, Л. В. ХУДОЛЄЄВА, С. О. Рахметова, В. В. Фіщенко, О. Г. НЕСТЕРЕНКО, Н. М. РАШИДОВ (2017). Growth characteristics and energy productivity of poplars and willows under short rotation planting for the first vegetation year. Naukovyi visnyk Chernivetskoho universytetu. Biolohiia (Biolohichni systemy), 9(2), 238-246.