Growth prospects of international competitiveness of Ukraine


The article highlights the current state of international competitiveness of Ukraine and problems of its formation. The role of innovative factor in the formation of international competitiveness and problems of its development in Ukraine are characterized. It is revealed that the widening gap in profitability of traditional and innovative segments of the economy has a negative impact on Ukraine where there is a critical shortage of high-tech innovation. The need to review the evaluation of trends of social development and the role and functions of the state in socio-economic transformation is outlined. It is emphasized that Ukraine, unlike most of the peripheral countries, is in the dual state because on the one hand its economic situation becomes more and more complicated and on the other hand due to inheritance of intellectual, scientific and technical heritage, it has a great opportunity for achieving success. The main reasons that hinder the innovative development of national economy of Ukraine are revealed. The main difficulty is that the high technological potential of Ukraine is almost exhausted; human resources are almost lost; bias towards higher education economists, lawyers, merchants in the country led to a sharp narrowing and "disqualification" of first-class engineers and constructors’ contingent. The prerequisites for dynamic transition of national economy of Ukraine to a qualitatively higher level of international competitiveness are outlined. It is concluded that Ukraine's success in overcoming today's inferiority is impossible without the decisive impact of advanced technologies on the overall state of the economy. The rapid development of the knowledge economy and high technology segments has to offset the collapse of many outdated industries.

Authors and Affiliations

Serhii Pakhomov


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How To Cite

Serhii Pakhomov (2015). Growth prospects of international competitiveness of Ukraine. Вісник Маріупольського державного університету.Серія: Економіка, 10(), 40-46.