Gruźlica krtani u pacjentów leczonych w klinice otolaryngologii – opis dwóch przypadków
Journal Title: Otolaryngologia Polska - Year 2010, Vol 64, Issue 3
Tubercular infection is still one of the most serious health and social problems. It’s been estimated that one-third of the population is infected with Koch’s bacillus. More than 90% of overall morbidity of tuberculosis in Poland pose pulmonary tuberculosis, in the worldwide level the percentage reaches 80. The most popular causes that spread the disease are famine, malnutrition, homelessness, limited availability to medical care, alcohol abuse, drug addiction, ageing of the society and more intensive migration. Among the cases of extrapulmonary tuberculosis the most common were certifi ed as tuberculous empyema. Head and neck tuberculosis is diagnosed rarely nowadays. Its symptoms aren’t pathognomonic and natural history of the disease is different from those described in medical books. It is essential to enclose laryngeal carcinosis in differential diagnosis. In 2002 two cases of laryngeal tuberculosis were diagnosed in the Department of Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery of Medical University of Wroclaw. Both patients had sustained hoarseness. Biopsy confi rmed the diagnose of tuberculosis. Both patients underwent the tuberculostatic treatment. Videolaryngoscopic examination showed complete withdrawal of the infi ltration in the larynx.
Authors and Affiliations
Krzysztof Zub, Tomasz Zatoński
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