Wznowy raka podstawnokomórkowego (BCC) twarzy w materiale Oddziału Chirurgii Głowy i Szyi i Onkologii Laryngologicznej Wielkopolskiego Centrum Onkologii w latach 2007-2010
Journal Title: Otolaryngologia Polska - Year 2012, Vol 66, Issue 3
Authors and Affiliations
Jakub Pazdrowski, Aleksandra Dańczak-Pazdrowska, Paweł Golusiński, Bartosz Szybiak, Wojciech Silny
Biodegradacja węglowego implantu tchawicy w eksperymencie zwierzęcym
Introduction. The radical treatment of tracheal stenosis comprises segmental resection and its reconstruction. The most successful type of reconstruction is the “end to end” technique. In cases with large tracheal defect...
Reoperacje w otosklerozie
The authors present 68 cases of revision stapes surgery in otosclerosis. This review analyzed intraoperative findings and postrevision hearing results. According to our observations, the most common causes of failure aft...
Expression of activation antigens on the lymphocytes T in patients with carcinoma of the larynx and connection with tumor features
Introduction. Results of studies analyzing the role of immunocompetent cells in tumor environment and whole peripheral blood indicate their responsibility for aggressiveness of neoplasm, prognosis and therapeutic effect....
Porównanie częstości występowania objawów współistniejących w grupie pacjentów z zawrotami głowy
BACKGROUND: Dizziness is the second most frequent symptom that make patients seek specialized examination. The effective solution of dizzy conditions requires treatment in cooperation with different branches of medicine....
Diagnostyka różnicowa i leczenie guzów szyi w materiale Oddziału Otolaryngologii Międzyleskiego Szpitala Specjalistycznego w Warszawie
In otolaryngology practice we quite often encounter neck masses in all age group patients. The differential diagnosis is extensive and represents a variety of pathologic conditions of various origins, especially in relat...