Reoperacje w otosklerozie
Journal Title: Otolaryngologia Polska - Year 2009, Vol 63, Issue 1
The authors present 68 cases of revision stapes surgery in otosclerosis. This review analyzed intraoperative findings and postrevision hearing results. According to our observations, the most common causes of failure after the first operation were: fibrous adhesions, dislocated prosthesis. Postreoperative hearing improvement was achived in 69,1% cases. The results obtained by revision are poorer than can be obtained by the primary procedures.
Authors and Affiliations
Tatiana Gierek, Lucyna Klimczak-Gołąb, Małgorzata Witkowska, Krystyna Majzel, Danuta Zbrowska-Bielska, Jarosław Paluch, Aleksandra Ślaska-Kaspera
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