Incidence of salivary gland malignancies in 12 year time period in ENT Department Medical University in Poznan
Journal Title: Otolaryngologia Polska - Year 2010, Vol 64, Issue 5
Neoplasm of salivary gland constitutes about 3% of all tumours of head and neck. Within the category we can differentiate tumours of a very different histological structure. What lies behind such great differences in the changes within the salivary glands is complex embryogenesis of the glands. This work aims at the assessment of the frequency of occurrence of malignant neoplasm in parotid gland and submandibular gland based on the material collected at the ENT Department of the Medical University in Poznan in the years 1995–2006. In the 12-year period, 103 patients suffered from malignant neoplasm. 82 tumours were diagnosed in paroid gland and respectively 21 – in submandibular gland. No neoplasm was identified in sublingual gland. It was concluded, that trends in occurrence of neoplasm of salivary glands, assessed on the basis of the number of patients operated in the years 1995–2006 show that the number of malignant neoplasm cases remains on the same level. The analysis of the epidemiological differences based on the comparison of the groups of patients treated for salivary gland neoplasm in the years 1995–2000 and 2001–2006 has shown that with regard to malignant neoplasm such parameters as sex, age, duration of symptoms, diameter of the tumour and level of advancement have not differed much from each other in the analyzed periods. Epidemiological differences were identified in respective histological structures in the two periods analyzed: adenoid cystic carcinoma was in fact more frequent in the years 1995–2000 than in the years 2001–2006 (58.8% versus 24.1%). On the other hand, metastasis to the salivary glands was less frequent in period I than in period II (11.8% and 27.6% respectively), so was cancer in mixed tumour (2.9% and 17.2%). Facial nerve paralysis was statistically more frequent in highly malignant tumours than in comparison to tumours malignant only to a slight extent.
Authors and Affiliations
Tomasz Kopeć, Małgorzata Wierzbicka, Witold Szyfter, Grażyna Bem
Sprawozdanie z posiedzenia Zarządu Głównego Polskiego Towarzystwa Otorynolaryngologów, Chirurgów Głowy i Szyi w dniu 25.10.2007 r.
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