GSM & GPS Integrated With ARM Based Event Data Recorder for Accident Detection


Main concentration of this project is to find out the vehicle which is met with an accident by using MEMS sensor and GPS, GSM.Vehicle tracking system is one of the hot topics in embedded systems industry. In this project ARM controller communicates with LCD, GPS module and GSM modem. This system will be placed in a moving vehicle. The ARM controller will poll GPS module in prefixed intervals and sends the vehicle location information (Latitude & Longitude) to central station over GSM network. Whenever any accident occurs MEMS sensor detects the vibration of the vehicle and sends mechanical force, to ARM, by using GPS, we will get particular location where accident occurs, and then GSM sends message to authorized members & 108.One more best feature is whenever any authorized people gives message to GSM at accident location then it sends back the message of the accident location longitude and latitude values.

Authors and Affiliations

P Ravi Kumar| pg Student [Eps], Dept. Of Eee, Vemu Institute Of Technology, P.Kothakota, Chittoor(D), Andhra Pradesh, India, K Jayasree| assistant Professor, Dept. Of Eee, Vemu Institute Of Technology (Jntua),P.Kothakota, Chittoor (D), Andhra Pradesh, India, D. Suvarna Kumari| assistant Professor, Dept. Of Eee, Vemu Institute Of Technology (Jntua),P.Kothakota, Chittoor (D), Andhra Pradesh, India


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How To Cite

P Ravi Kumar, K Jayasree, D. Suvarna Kumari (2014). GSM & GPS Integrated With ARM Based Event Data Recorder for Accident Detection. International Journal of Science Engineering and Advance Technology, 2(10), 468-473.