Guidelines for Reviewing National Public Health Law
Journal Title: Медичне право - Year 2017, Vol 1, Issue 2
Public health law is generally considered as a key instrument to formulate and realize a national public health policy. Public health law is not a ‘static’ concept but evolves over time, depending on new understandings and developments. Updating and/or revision of the public health legal framework based on such new understandings in a comprehensive and coherent manner, is therefore crucial to make it work. The idea of developing guidelines for reviewing national public health legislation is to strengthen the quality of public health legislation at national level. For that reason, it is conditional to identify underlying objectives (the conceptual framework), followed by mapping the public health legal framework, analyzing defined legal tools and actions to realize the public health objective(s), and to assess the effects of regulatory interventions. The outcomes may give reason to review the existing legal framework, whether it correspond with the underlying public health policy, or whether there is a need for modify, revise or even withdraw legislation, aimed at improving the quality of the national public health legal framework, and ultimately public health.
Authors and Affiliations
Andre Den Exter, Alexey Goryainov
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