Гуманитаризация образования – условия развития современной школы

Journal Title: Labor et Educatio - Year 2015, Vol 3, Issue


The article discloses the innovative approach to training and education of children and youth, which is based on the humanization of education, integrated education and polyart education. Humanization of education is considered in the article on both sides. 1) Reliance on pedagogical traditions of Russian science and education based on the concept of a free, humane, spiritual, creative personality, capable to selfdetermination and self-realization. The origins of these ideas are in the theoretical works of great scientists (K. Ushinsky, Leo Tolstoy, S.Frene, V.Sukhomlinsky) and philosophers (M. Bakhtin, Yu.Lotman). 2) Integration of humanities and methods of natural history. The impetus for the revival and the pedagogical model of humanization’s creation is a desire to overcome formal, abstract learning process, introducing a broad education into the cultural space where culture performs corrective function in the development of science.

Authors and Affiliations

Lyubov G. Savenkova


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How To Cite

Lyubov G. Savenkova (2015). Гуманитаризация образования – условия развития современной школы. Labor et Educatio, 3(), 67-79. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-181721