Health as a value in evaluation of students from Podkarpackie voivodeship
Journal Title: Annales Academiae Medicae Silesiensis - Year 2014, Vol 68, Issue 4
INTRODUCTION Health is a fundamental value of every human being. Individualized health behaviors, acquired during socialization, with time become conscious decisions. Therefore, the analysis of health evaluation is an important element in assessing the health awareness of university students. The aim of the study was to analyze health as a value in the assessment of students from the Podkarpackie voivodeship. MATERIALS AND METHODS The research was carried out among 690 students from the Podkarpackie voivodeship. It was also conducted using a survey made on the basis of the List of Health Criteria. All the obtained results were later subjected to statistical analysis. RESULTS The research found that the surveyed students place the utmost importance on health understood as “property”, “process” and “objective” and health as a “state” and “result” occurred a bit further down on the list. . Being healthy in the opinion of the respondents is primarily “not feel any physical ailments”, “ have all wellfunctioning body parts ”, “able to get along with other people”, “accept yourself, know your strengths and weaknesses ” and “feel good”, and ”live to a ripe old age”. In contrast, less important was “feel happy most of the time”, “ able to enjoy life” and “no smoking” and “ eat properly.” CONCLUSIONS Assessing the significance and evaluation of health is an important element in assessing the health awareness of students. Determining the health behavior deficits of young people studying enables one to distinguish the students who should be included in education in the field of health promotion.
Authors and Affiliations
Barbara Stawarz, Magdalena Lewicka, Henryk Wiktor
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