Health-defining technology as an interaction of adolescents, family, school and the environment
Journal Title: Медичні перспективи - Year 2014, Vol 19, Issue 4
The main recommendations on health promotion and formation of healthy lifestyles, hygiene education of children and adolescents, formulated in the concept of the European Regional Bureau of World Health Organization are considersed. Low efficiency of clinical and preventive strategies in medicine, which is almost exhausted its resources requires the development of new health-preserving strategies. We have proposed health-defining technology at school, which includes an assessment of health status of adolescents by its components and determines compensatory-adaptive potential, total risk stratification, therapeutic and preventive measures, immediate and long-term evaluation of effectiveness, prediction of further health status of adolescents. The system of treatment and preventive measures should be based on close interaction of school family-environment and have four components: physical, psychological, social and psycho-social. Implementation of health-defining technologies in general education establishments allowed to improve effectiveness of treatment and prophylaxis by 22.4% (20.3% - without optimizing actual nutrition, 24.5% − with optimization of actual nutrition at the expense of Vitrum junior and natural honey).
Authors and Affiliations
S. Schudro
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