Health-oriented behaviours of secondary school students – a student and teacher evaluation/ Zachowania prozdrowotne młodzieży licealnej w ocenie uczniów i ich nauczycieli
Journal Title: Medical Science Pulse - Year 2017, Vol 11, Issue 3
Introduction: Health-oriented behaviours are actions taken to promote health and to prevent illness. These are behaviours whose purpose is to improve the environment around the human being, and thus to create conditions conducive to healthy living. Aim of the study: The aim of the study was to investigate the real patterns of health-oriented behaviours among high school students and to evaluate these behaviours in students and teachers. Material and methods: The study included 100 students (16-19 years of age) attending a general secondary school and 30 teachers employed at the same institution. The author chose to conduct a diagnostic survey with the use of a questionnaire. The research tool used in the study was a questionnaire prepared by the author, containing 12 questions, addressed to both students and teachers. The questionnaire was based on four research themes: eating habits of high school students, frequency with which they undertake physical activity, manners of dealing with stress, and ways in which they affect the behavior of their peers. Results: The results of the study indicate that young people of today are more aware of health-oriented behaviors. Studies have shown that 92% (92) of students are physically active, 77% (77) consider they have healthy eating habits; 90% (90) of the students stated that they cope with stress by listening to music and taking part in sport. The vast majority (as many as 84% (84)), think that stimulants are very harmful. The teachers considered that most of the students have healthy habits. Conclusions: The knowledge of high school students about health-oriented behaviors is satisfactory. Most students put this knowledge into practice through physical activity, healthy eating, avoiding drugs, and finding ways to cope with stress. According to the teachers, students are fully aware of positive and negative phenomena related to health and of how they can affect them.
Authors and Affiliations
Dorota Hraca
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