Journal Title: Ortopedia Traumatologia Rehabilitacja - Year 2012, Vol 14, Issue 3
AbstractBackground: Abnormal body alignment may lead to the development of spinal overload syndromes, nerve root irritation, pain, impaired ventilation, and compromise of exercise capacity.Objective: The aim of the study was to find out whether low degree scoliosis impairs breathing, reduces exercise capacity and produces back pain over time. Material and methods: Respiratory function, exercise capacity (PWC170) and pain intensity (Jackson and Moskowitz regimen) were assessed in 39 adults aged 19 to 38 years diagnosed with low degree scoliosis (10-280) several years ago. A group of 43 controls with no scoliosis in adolescence was also examined.Results: There was no progression of the curvature after the treatment in the scoliosis group. Spirometric parameters in this group were slightly lower than in the controls, although there was no evidence of the restrictive type of respiratory disorder, which was found in only 5.1% patients. PWC170 test results were significantly lower (by about 20%) than in controls, and 84.6% of the subjects reported intermittent, occasional, or frequent pain, mostly lumbar and associated with the work performed. In 12.8% of cases, the pain interfered with breathing. In about half of the group, pain occurred after exertion and caused limitation of activity, while in the remaining subjects it did not affect daily activities. Conclusions: 1) low degree scoliosis generally did not cause restrictive impairment of ventilation; 2) adults with established low degree scoliosis demonstrated impaired exercise capacity, in the form of reduced PWC170 scores; 3) the presence of low degree scoliosis at school age was associated with back pain in adulthood.
Authors and Affiliations
Olga Nowotny-Czupryna , Anna Kowalczyk , Krzysztof Czupryna , Janusz Nowotny
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