Hepatosplenic candidiasis in patient with acute leukemia
Journal Title: Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Disease - Year 2015, Vol 5, Issue 0
Hepatosplenic candidiasis (HSC) is a disseminated invasive fungal infection that commonly occurs in patients with acute leukemia. Persistent fever in patients who recovered from prolonged neutropenia subsequent to chemotherapy is the main symptom. A case is presented of a 26 year-old man, who was admitted to Hematology Ward with acute T-cell lymphoblastic leukemia. Febrile neutropenia developed after two cycles of hyper CVAD 1 and two cycles of hyper CVAD 2 chemotherapy. HSC was diagnosed and confirmed by computed axial tomography and hepatic biopsy. A persistent fever under antibiotic therapy should prompt investigation of HSC or other invasive fungal infection in immunocompromised patients.
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