Hermeneutyka dyskursu postpolitycznego
Journal Title: Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Sklodowska, Sectio I Philosophia-Sociologia - Year 2009, Vol 34, Issue
Essay shows how a hermeneutical approach to political philosophy deals with populism and ideology. Thesis are build upon ideas of modem Slovenian philosopher Slavoj Żiżek, German critical school successors Jurgen Habermas and Peter Sloterdijk and at last creators of 20th century hermeneutics Hans-Georg Gadamer and Paul Ricoeur. While traditional Enlightenment era values seem no longer obliging for political leaders and they are treated as instruments rather to keep the power then to control it, also official political language lost its meaning. It is far morę important to understand situation of speaker than previous use or dictionary definition of words he says. Modem political philosophy offers different Solutions and approaches to these problems. Differences between them are fundamental and reefer to opposite traditions but as I’m trying to show the do have one important aspect in common - hermeneutical heritage. Essay shows how a hermeneutical approach to political philosophy deals with populism and ideology. Thesis are build upon ideas of modem Slovenian philosopher Slavoj Żiżek, German critical school successors Jurgen Habermas and Peter Sloterdijk and at last creators of 20th century hermeneutics Hans-Georg Gadamer and Paul Ricoeur. While traditional Enlightenment era values seem no longer obliging for political leaders and they are treated as instruments rather to keep the power then to control it, also official political language lost its meaning. It is far morę important to understand situation of speaker than previous use or dictionary definition of words he says. Modem political philosophy offers different Solutions and approaches to these problems. Differences between them are fundamental and reefer to opposite traditions but as I’m trying to show the do have one important aspect in common - hermeneutical heritage. Essay shows how a hermeneutical approach to political philosophy deals with populism and ideology. Thesis are build upon ideas of modem Slovenian philosopher Slavoj Żiżek, German critical school successors Jurgen Habermas and Peter Sloterdijk and at last creators of 20th century hermeneutics Hans-Georg Gadamer and Paul Ricoeur. While traditional Enlightenment era values seem no longer obliging for political leaders and they are treated as instruments rather to keep the power then to control it, also official political language lost its meaning. It is far morę important to understand situation of speaker than previous use or dictionary definition of words he says. Modem political philosophy offers different Solutions and approaches to these problems. Differences between them are fundamental and reefer to opposite traditions but as I’m trying to show the do have one important aspect in common - hermeneutical heritage.
Authors and Affiliations
Jakub Szafrański
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