High-speed Track Tec turnouts with Alstom SmartDrives
Journal Title: Technika Transportu Szynowego - Year 2018, Vol 288, Issue 4
In 2018, after 1.5 year vacatio legis, new PKP PLK technical standards are becoming effective. The reason to implement new standards is to increase the maximum speed on the Central Trunk Line (CMK) for „Pendolino” trains up to 250 km/h. Currently, trains achieve the maximum speed of 200 km/h. This improvement requires careful examination of all system elements, especially the interaction of the rolling stock with the infrastructure, including the superstructure. Railway turnout is a particularly sensitive element of infrastructure as it contains movable elements. Trains going straight should pass a turnout with no need to slow down. Therefore, the maximum speed on a given line is 250 km/h, the speed on turnout main line should also be 250 km/h. We then use the full potential of the line.
Authors and Affiliations
A. Cholewa, Ł. Chudyba
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