
This study was conducted in Dr. Panjabrao Deshmukh Medical College we tried to evaluate and compare the histological and cytological procedure for classifying leprosy lesion. Method: Total sample size was 60.Skin punch biopsy was done and sample was evaluated for histology after H & E and Fite Faraco staining. In some cases where histological diagnosis was confirmed we also took sample for cytology which were stained by MGG and modified ZN technique. Results Our study group consists of total 60 leprosy patients, out of which 34 (56.66%) were males and 26 (43.44%) were female between 10 years to 68 years of age. Complete cytohistological correlation was seen in 36 (60%) cases. Correlation was fairly strong in polar group of leprosy like in TT i.e. (62.5%) and LL (60%). Conclusion In cases of polar leprosy cytological diagnosis parallels histological diagnosis, within the constraint of cytological interpretation the cases in borderline unstable spectrum of leprosy can be classified broadly. Histopathological correlation is required to determine appropriate position in RJ spectrum. Similarly in cases where aspirate was inadequate histology is required to confirm or rule out type of leprosy.

Authors and Affiliations

Sharayu A Sarode| Department of Pathology, Panjabrao Deshmukh Medical College, Maharashtra, India, Corresponding author email: sharayukalmegh@gmail.com, Anil T Deshmukh| HOD, Department of Pathology, Panjabrao Deshmukh Medical College, Maharashtra, India


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  • EP ID EP11428
  • DOI 10.5958/2319-5886.2015.00094.6
  • Views 315
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How To Cite

Sharayu A Sarode, Anil T Deshmukh (2015). HISTOPATHOLOGIC AND CYTOMORPHOLOGIC CORRELATION IN LEPROSY. International Journal of Medical Research & Health Sciences (IJMRHS), 4(3), 486-489. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-11428