History and reform of romanian prisons

Journal Title: ROMANIAN JOURNAL OF SOCIOLOGY - Year 2006, Vol 17, Issue 5


An insightful look through the history of punishment and prison s offers a new perspective on the changes that have been undergone or would occur in the Romanian penitentiary system. In the last instance the Romanian punishment and prisons have not displayed the same functions from their origin till now. The st udy of documents, old chronics and writings of various historians unveil huge differences in thinking the punishment and the role of prison in different historic ages. There were times when the prisons were situated either in the center of society (in country’s Principe or boyars’ courts) or times when they were placed at society’s periphery. The execution was public or hidden. A trip in the history of the Romanian detention system opens a wide window toward the future of this social system.

Authors and Affiliations

Stefan Bruno


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How To Cite

Stefan Bruno (2006). History and reform of romanian prisons. ROMANIAN JOURNAL OF SOCIOLOGY, 17(5), 485-512. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-158167