The values of enterprisers and potential entrepreneurs in the rural environment

Journal Title: ROMANIAN JOURNAL OF SOCIOLOGY - Year 2010, Vol 21, Issue 3


The study relies on a complex research project, financed by the European Union, which aimed at measuring, first of all, the training and managerial consultancy needs of entrepreneurs and of those who wish to start a business in the rural environment in the North-Eastern, Central and South-Eastern are as of Romania (18 counties). In order to understand these training and consultancy needs, the research also investigated the issue of values. By identifying the specificity of rural entrepreneurial culture, we can understand the current situation in the entrepreneurial environment of Romanian villages and draw up strategies for its development. The research shows that there is a great deal of interest to start a business among young persons, but the existent managerial culture is extremely poor.

Authors and Affiliations

Stefan Bruno


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How To Cite

Stefan Bruno (2010). The values of enterprisers and potential entrepreneurs in the rural environment. ROMANIAN JOURNAL OF SOCIOLOGY, 21(3), 296-322.