History of researching plantage of regional landscape park «gadyachsky» (poltava region)


The article contains results the of processing herbarium collections and analysis of published data on research of phytodiversity of nature reserve, protected in status of the regional landscape park «Gadyachsky». Conditionally, there are four stages of botanical area research. In the first stage (middle of the XVIII – early XX century) there is an accumulation of floristic data and some attempts of description and classification of specific locations vegetation. The second period (mid XX century – to the 80 th of XX century) is characterized by fragmented researches on certain types of vegetation, phytocoenotic material accumulation and the classification of the region vegetation on the basis of the dominant. The third period (the end of XX century – beginning of XXI century) generally connected with complex researches on the plant world of the regionin order of flora to analysis and securing the phytodiversity in the nature reserve and regional ecological networks. During this very period the optimization of natural reserves network of Poltava region isactively carried out. A number natural protected objects are created which became part of the park later. The specialized studying of liheno- and bryoflora was carried out on the researches territory. In general, during the mentioned stages the phytodiversity of the region was studied fragmentary in the context of specific localities and the presence of rare species. The fourth period (end of 2011 until now) includes the creation of the park based on high indicators of scientific value (uniqueness and representativeness) a meaningful national economic importance and significant recreational potential of the area. This stage is characterized by a detailed complex study of the park phytodiversity to establish full composition, structure of flora, its characteristics of Syntaxonomical plants structure the implementation of the sozological assessment of the regionplant world etc. At each stage, the role of local scientistsin studying the plant world of the region is indicated. The main directions of botanical research in the region are determined, they are floral (accumulation of information about species floristic composition of higher vascular plants of the region), coenotic (associated with conducting of the fragmentary research , due to results of which there are some details on the types of vegetation of the region), resource knowing (study of distribution and resource potential importance of medicinal plants in the region), demonological (associated with conducting of population research of rare plant species – some steppe and forest ephemeroids), sozological (the study of biological and ecological characteristics of rare plants, confirmation of known and identify new locations in order to optimize the natural protected area network, development of regional ecological network). The priority directions of further researches on «Gadyachsky» regional park phytodiversity are defined.

Authors and Affiliations

О. Ханнанова


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How To Cite

О. Ханнанова (2015). History of researching plantage of regional landscape park «gadyachsky» (poltava region). Naukovyi visnyk Chernivetskoho universytetu. Biolohiia (Biolohichni systemy), 7(1), 60-67. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-236769