History of roentgenodiagnostics
Journal Title: Inżynier i Fizyk Medyczny - Year 2013, Vol 2, Issue 6
In the mid-fifties of XIX century Heinrich Geisler developed a method of fusing metal electrodes in a glass. A seemingly insignificant experiment has led to a great discovery. Research carried out by the English physicist William Crookes gained a lot of publicity. He modified Geisler’s tube to explore the nature of the cathode rays. It was called Crookes tube. Wilhelm Konrad Roentgen – German physicist who conducted research on cathode rays, 8th November, 1895 discovered new radiation that penetrated through the human body X-ray irradiation. After this discovery, sudden development of X-rays lamps was noticed. In 1913, American physicist, William David Coolidge elaborated device dedicated to this radiation – X-ray tube, which has been improved over the years, until now.
Authors and Affiliations
Andrzej Urbanik, Justyna Kozub
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